
Näak est votre nutrition sur le parcours de l'UTMB World Series.

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They are writing the history of our sport.

They aim to reach the summits.

The champions of tomorrow.

Community, Sharing, Passion.

They inspire us. They will inspire you.

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Les débats sont nombreux dans le monde du cyclisme. Du meilleur équipement aux meilleures courses, il semble que tout soit sujet à débat de nos jours. Cependant, partout dans le monde, les cyclistes se sont réunis pour parler d'une vérité universelle.

Les défis que doit relever une mère sont incessants. Ces héroïnes méconnues ne se contentent pas de donner la vie, elles savent aussi comment la nourrir au mieux ! 

It appears that the team of Expedition AKOR is approaching the final days of the skiing portion of their journey.

The pace of the guys is impressive: about 26-28 km per day. Getting ahead of schedule every day, they should arrive in Gjoa's Haven in 11-12 days. When in Gjoa Haven, they will meet up with Philippe and Étienne, who will join them to begin the first canoe section of the expedition.

No doubt, each time you’re on your next trail run, your body is challenged differently. But there is one thing that is constant: it is your body at work. This means making sure you are fueling your body properly to feel replenished and empowered to go on your next adventure.

Se former à la course de trail peut être une tâche trépidante et difficile. Des heures de recherche en ligne, des points de vue divergents et l'impossibilité de trouver une solution à tous les problèmes.

This week's newsletter brings only good news. First, let's remember that our adventurers

It's no secret that establishing a training program is crucial to improving performance and reaching your goals. However, some

After almost two full weeks of well-deserved rest, our adventurers are ready to put on their skis again!

Does anyone else's fight or flight kick in on the first long cycling trip of Spring? Cars flying by at 100 km/h, still unable to share the

For the past week, our trio has been resting in the warmth of Resolute Bay. They have taken a liking to the little house that their

This week has been a trying and exciting time for our beloved adventurers, from polar bear encounters to injuries.

Week 5 of expedition AKOR has been a complete success. With minor setbacks the last week, the team continues to push forth,

Already 3 weeks have passed since starting their monumental expedition, the ice floes' harshness has already been felt on the team. Over the past few days, they have been put to the test.

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